Thank you for phoning or emailing one or more of the members (below) of the Ways and Means Committee.

Tell them that while you definitely oppose the ConnectOregon part of HD 4028A, you also definitely support the parts of the bill that spend for building classrooms at community colleges, loaning money for sewer and water projects, and building publically owned transportation facilities. For more detailed background, please consult our testimony talking points here.

You may also wish to suggest:

  • That they cap the percentage of funding that may be given to private companies or eliminate the $10 million for ConnectOregon in HB 4028A until they have new rules.
  • That they change the rules allowing privately-owned transport businesses to get as much as 80% of their projects paid for by the public.
  • That private businesses be given only low interest loans, not grants. Those who have applied for grants this year could be allowed to re-apply for loans.
  • That they remember that the law states that “Local governments and private sector businesses often lack capital and the technical capacity to undertake multimodal transportation projects,” and resources should strictly be directed to projects where these conditions exist.

Committee Members:

Thanks again for your help!