If you looked at your voters’ pamphlet and counted, as I just did, you’d know that there are 29 arguments in favor and 55 in opposition to M118.

Don’t want to read them all?

There is now a website for the groups like ours opposing M118. It pulls out quotes from some of the 55 opposition arguments.  That might be ll you need.  The website


is well done with some great quotes from different groups.  And includes a broad list friends of TFO like OCPP, the League of Women Voters and of course unions.

At the bottom of the website is a form for additional groups to add their names.

If you know of other groups opposing, get them added to the list.

The TFO quote:

“Unfortunately, we do not support the Measure as it was designed. Like most initiatives that are designed by a group without broad public discussion or legislative input, this attempt at funding a guaranteed minimum income is poorly drafted and fatally flawed. Measure 118 is a hot mess and voters should reject it as inequitable and wasteful.”

Check all the quotes out.  It’ll take way less time than reading the many, many statements in the voters’ pamphlet.  https://oregoniansoppose118.com/vote-no/