

    Session Wrap Up-WHAT A SESSION!

    There were times during this legislative session when I was so frustrated that I wrote scathing emails to you all about the workings of the legislature. The TFO Steering Committee was wise enough to nix each of them. As it turns out, in many ways it’s been an excellent session, [...]

    July 5th, 2019|

      EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT and the Republican Walkout

      HB 2164 is a complex bill but one of its most important features is that is extends and increases Oregon’s tax provisions for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The EITC provides substantial relief to low income families and has been shown to be one of the most cost-effective means [...]

      June 30th, 2019|

        Time to send the Kicker to PERS

        The Oregonian editorial board hit the nail square on its head in this Sunday’s editorial calling for “Earmarking most of the Kicker for PERS”.  It faults the Democratic leadership for not doing this because they think the public will not support them. The polls likely tell that story, but it [...]

        May 29th, 2019|

          The two billion dollar quest

          Sunday’s Oregonian did a great job of describing where we are in Salem right now. We encourage you to read it. The paper left out one issue that we’ve been deeply engaged with. The plan for the financing of the Student Success bill is detailed in 3427 -1. The highlights [...]

          April 22nd, 2019|
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